Improved Rosen's conditions on bound states of Schroedinger operators

Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43281

Various qualitative methods for analyzing the discrete spectrum of SchrOdinger operators have been elaborated during the last three decades-for a review see Eef. 1, Section XIII. 3. They are of a great physical interest, especially because they can provide us with an information about -)*the few-body and many-body Hamlltonians, for which the quantitative methods are usually difficult to be applied. lt is not strange, therefore, that new re3ulta of this type continue to appear.
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  title={Improved Rosen's conditions on bound states of Schroedinger operators},
  author={Pavel Exner},
Pavel Exner. Improved Rosen's conditions on bound states of Schroedinger operators. 1984.
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