Quasi pieces of the bilinear Hilbert transform incorporated into a paraproduct

Dong Dong

Classical Analysis and ODEs mathscidoc:1910.43456

The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 29, (1), 224-246, 2019.1
We prove the boundedness of a class of tri-linear operators consisting of a quasi piece of bilinear Hilbert transform whose scale equals to or dominates the scale of its linear counter part. Such type of operators is motivated by the tri-linear Hilbert transform and its curved versions.
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  title={Quasi pieces of the bilinear Hilbert transform incorporated into a paraproduct},
  author={Dong Dong},
  booktitle={The Journal of Geometric Analysis},
Dong Dong. Quasi pieces of the bilinear Hilbert transform incorporated into a paraproduct. 2019. Vol. 29. In The Journal of Geometric Analysis. pp.224-246. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20191020175433295530985.
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