Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method in the mixed formulation

Tsz Shun Eric CHUNG Yalchin Efendiev Wing Tat Leung

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1910.43513

Computational Geosciences, 22, (3), 677-693, 2018.6
This paper presents a novel mass-conservative mixed multiscale method for solving flow equations in heterogeneous porous media. The media properties (the permeability) contain multiple scales and high contrast. The proposed method solves the flow equation in a mixed formulation on a coarse grid by constructing multiscale basis functions. The resulting velocity field is mass-conservative on the fine grid. Our main goal is to obtain first-order convergence in terms of the mesh size which is independent of local contrast. This is achieved, first, by constructing some auxiliary spaces, which contain global information that cannot be localized, in general. This is built on our previous work on the generalized multiscale finite element method (GMsFEM). In the auxiliary space, multiscale basis functions corresponding to small (contrast-dependent) eigenvalues are selected. These basis functions represent the high
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  title={Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method in the mixed formulation},
  author={Tsz Shun Eric CHUNG, Yalchin Efendiev, and Wing Tat Leung},
  booktitle={Computational Geosciences},
Tsz Shun Eric CHUNG, Yalchin Efendiev, and Wing Tat Leung. Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method in the mixed formulation. 2018. Vol. 22. In Computational Geosciences. pp.677-693.
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