Zero product preserving linear maps of CCR C-algebras with Hausdorff spectrum

Chi-Wai Leung Ngai-Ching Wong

Functional Analysis mathscidoc:1910.43675

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 361, (1), 187-194, 2010.1
In this paper, we try to attack a conjecture of Araujo and Jarosz that every bijective linear map between C-algebras, with both and its inverse 1 preserving zero products, arises from an algebra isomorphism followed by a central multiplier. We show it is true for CCR C-algebras with Hausdorff spectrum, and in general, some special C-algebras associated to continuous fields of C-algebras.
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  title={Zero product preserving linear maps of CCR C-algebras with Hausdorff spectrum},
  author={Chi-Wai Leung, and Ngai-Ching Wong},
  booktitle={Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications},
Chi-Wai Leung, and Ngai-Ching Wong. Zero product preserving linear maps of CCR C-algebras with Hausdorff spectrum. 2010. Vol. 361. In Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. pp.187-194.
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