Local automorphisms of operator algebras

Jung-Hui Liu Ngai-Ching Wong

Spectral Theory and Operator Algebra mathscidoc:1910.43697

Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 611-619
A not necessarily continuous, linear or multiplicative function from an algebra A into itself is called a local automorphism if agrees with an automorphism of A at each point in A. In this paper, we study the question when a local automorphism of a C*-algebra, or a W*-algebra, is an automorphism.
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  title={Local automorphisms of operator algebras},
  author={Jung-Hui Liu, and Ngai-Ching Wong},
  booktitle={Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics},
Jung-Hui Liu, and Ngai-Ching Wong. Local automorphisms of operator algebras. In Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. pp.611-619. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20191020211047314125226.
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