The existence of a black hole due to condensation of matter

Richard Schoen Shing-Tung Yau

Theoretical Physics mathscidoc:1912.43489

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 90, (4), 575-579, 1983.12
When enough matter is condensed in a small region, gravitational effects will be strong enough to cause collapse and a black hole will be formed. We formulate and prove here such a statement in the language of general relativity. (This is Theorem 2 of this paper.)
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  title={The existence of a black hole due to condensation of matter},
  author={Richard Schoen, and Shing-Tung Yau},
  booktitle={Communications in Mathematical Physics},
Richard Schoen, and Shing-Tung Yau. The existence of a black hole due to condensation of matter. 1983. Vol. 90. In Communications in Mathematical Physics. pp.575-579.
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