Pretty good state transfer in graphs with an involution

Mark Kempton Gabor Lippner Shing-Tung Yau

Combinatorics mathscidoc:1912.43701

arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07000, 2017.2
We study pretty good quantum state transfer (ie, state transfer that becomes arbitrarily close to perfect) between vertices of graphs with an involution in the presence of an energy potential. In particular, we show that if a graph has an involution that fixes at least one vertex or at least one edge, then there exists a choice of potential on the vertex set of the graph for which we get pretty good state transfer between symmetric vertices of the graph. We show further that in many cases, the potential can be chosen so that it is only non-zero at the vertices between which we want pretty good state transfer. As a special case of this, we show that such a potential can be chosen on the endpoints of a path to induce pretty good state transfer in paths of any length. This is in contrast to the result of [6], in which the authors show that there cannot be perfect state transfer in paths of length 4 or more, no matter what potential is chosen.
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  title={Pretty good state transfer in graphs with an involution},
  author={Mark Kempton, Gabor Lippner, and Shing-Tung Yau},
  booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07000},
Mark Kempton, Gabor Lippner, and Shing-Tung Yau. Pretty good state transfer in graphs with an involution. 2017. In arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07000.
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