Mathematics and its development in China

Shing-Tung Yau

History and Overview mathscidoc:1912.43708

Tsinghua Science and Technology, 3, (1), 939-948
It is a great honor for me to be invited by Tsinghua University to talk today. Tsinghua has, in its history, made many contributions to mathematics. The two most famous mathematicians in modern Chinese history have both been closely related to Tsinghua University. One is Professor Hua Lo-Keng, the other is Prof essor Chern Shiing-Sheng. Especially since Professor Chern is my teacher, I feel proud to be able to say some words in the opening ceremony for the Center for Advanced Study. I chose the title of my talk also for this reason. Due to my critical comments, I have decided to spend most of my time in giving a general talk in English. The remainder of the talk will be in Chinese.
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  title={Mathematics and its development in China},
  author={Shing-Tung Yau},
  booktitle={Tsinghua Science and Technology},
Shing-Tung Yau. Mathematics and its development in China. Vol. 3. In Tsinghua Science and Technology. pp.939-948.
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