On the Solvability of An Indefinite Nonlinear Kirchhoff Equation via Associated Eigenvalue Problems

Han-Su Zhang Southeast University Tiexiang Li Southeast University Tsung-fang Wu National University of Kaohsiung

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:2103.03001

Journal of Differential Equations, 269, (4), 2020.2
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  title={On the Solvability of An Indefinite Nonlinear Kirchhoff Equation via Associated Eigenvalue Problems},
  author={Han-Su Zhang, Tiexiang Li, and Tsung-fang Wu},
  booktitle={Journal of Differential Equations},
Han-Su Zhang, Tiexiang Li, and Tsung-fang Wu. On the Solvability of An Indefinite Nonlinear Kirchhoff Equation via Associated Eigenvalue Problems. 2020. Vol. 269. In Journal of Differential Equations. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20210315213440501307741.
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