Spectrum of the Lame operator and application, I: Deformation along Re tau=1/2

Zhijie Chen Tsinghua University Erjuan Fu Tsinghua University Chang-Shou Lin Taiwan University

Classical Analysis and ODEs mathscidoc:2103.05002

Advances in Mathematics, 383, 107699, 2021
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  title={Spectrum of the Lame operator and application, I: Deformation along Re tau=1/2},
  author={Zhijie Chen, Erjuan Fu, and Chang-Shou Lin},
  booktitle={Advances in Mathematics},
Zhijie Chen, Erjuan Fu, and Chang-Shou Lin. Spectrum of the Lame operator and application, I: Deformation along Re tau=1/2. 2021. Vol. 383. In Advances in Mathematics. pp.107699. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20210323211731639995757.
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