Structure of Virasoro tensor categories at central charge 13−6p−6/p for integers p>1

Robert McRae Tsinghua University Jinwei Yang University of Alberta

Category Theory Mathematical Physics Quantum Algebra Representation Theory mathscidoc:2204.04008

Let O_c be the category of finite-length central-charge-c modules for the Virasoro Lie algebra whose composition factors are irreducible quotients of reducible Verma modules. Recently, it has been shown that O_c admits vertex algebraic tensor category structure for any c∈C. Here, we determine the structure of this tensor category when c=13−6p−6/p for an integer p>1. For such c, we prove that O_c is rigid, and we construct projective covers of irreducible modules in a natural tensor subcategory O_c^0. We then compute all tensor products involving irreducible modules and their projective covers. Using these tensor product formulas, we show that O_c has a semisimplification which, as an abelian category, is the Deligne product of two tensor subcategories that are tensor equivalent to the Kazhdan-Lusztig categories for affine sl_2 at levels −2+p^±1. Next, as a straightforward consequence of the braided tensor category structure on O_c together with the theory of vertex operator algebra extensions, we rederive known results for triplet vertex operator algebras W(p), including rigidity, fusion rules, and construction of projective covers. Finally, we prove a recent conjecture of Negron that O_c^0 is braided tensor equivalent to the PSL(2,C)-equivariantization of the category of W(p)-modules.
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  • arXiv:2011.02170
  title={Structure of Virasoro tensor categories at central charge 13−6p−6/p for integers p>1},
  author={Robert McRae, and Jinwei Yang},
Robert McRae, and Jinwei Yang. Structure of Virasoro tensor categories at central charge 13−6p−6/p for integers p>1.
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