Apparent coherence loss in phase space tomography

Zhengyun Zhang BioSyM IRG, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre, 1 CREATE Way, #04-13/14 Enterprise Wing, Singapore 138602, Singapore Chenglong Bao Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Block S17 Level 4, Singapore 119076, Singapore Hui Ji Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Block S17 Level 4, Singapore 119076, Singapore Zuowei Shen Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Block S17 Level 4, Singapore 119076, Singapore George Barbastathis BioSyM IRG, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre, 1 CREATE Way, #04-13/14 Enterprise Wing, Singapore 138602, Singapore; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

TBD mathscidoc:2206.43007

Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 34, (11), 2017.10
A sensor pixel integrates optical intensity across its extent, and we explore the role that this integration plays in phase space tomography. The literature is inconsistent in its treatment of this integration—some approaches model this integration explicitly, some approaches are ambiguous about whether this integration is taken into account, and still some approaches assume pixel values to be point samples of the optical intensity. We show that making a point-sample assumption results in apodization of and thus systematic error in the recovered ambiguity function, leading to underestimating the overall degree of coherence. We explore the severity of this effect using a Gaussian Schell-model source and discuss when this effect, as opposed to noise, is the dominant source of error in the retrieved state of coherence.
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  title={Apparent coherence loss in phase space tomography},
  author={Zhengyun Zhang, Chenglong Bao, Hui Ji, Zuowei Shen, and George Barbastathis},
  booktitle={Journal of the Optical Society of America A},
Zhengyun Zhang, Chenglong Bao, Hui Ji, Zuowei Shen, and George Barbastathis. Apparent coherence loss in phase space tomography. 2017. Vol. 34. In Journal of the Optical Society of America A.
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