9 paper(s) uploaded by deaneyang.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

Affine images of isotropic measures

Károly J. Böröczky Hungarian Academy of Sciences Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Convex and Discrete Geometry mathscidoc:1702.40001

Journal of Differential Geometry, 99, (3), 407-442, 2015
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-28 03:47:01 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 1005 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-02-28 03:47:01 -

A Unified Approach to Cramer-Rao Inequalities

Andrea Cianchi Universita degli Studi di Firenze Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Information Theory mathscidoc:1702.19002

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60, (1), 643–650, 2014
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-28 03:55:45 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 955 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-02-28 03:55:45 -

Affine moments of a random vector

Erwin Lutwak New York University Songjun Lv Chongqing Normal University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Information Theory mathscidoc:1702.19003

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59, (9), 5592–5599, 2013
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-28 04:26:47 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 871 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-02-28 04:26:47 -

The logarithmic Minkowski problem

Károly J. Böröczky Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Analysis of PDEs Differential Geometry Convex and Discrete Geometry mathscidoc:1702.03082

Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 26, (3), 831–852, 2013
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-28 04:45:36 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 1145 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-02-28 04:45:36 2017-03-14 00:37:33

The log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality

Károly J. Böröczky Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York Uiversity

Convex and Discrete Geometry mathscidoc:1703.40008

Advances in Mathematics, 231, 1974–1997, 2012
[ Download ] [ 2017-03-02 05:14:56 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 955 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-03-02 05:14:56 -

Extensions of Fisher information and Stam's inequality

Erwin Lutwak New York University Songjun Lv College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chongqing Normal University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Information Theory mathscidoc:1703.19001

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58, (3), 1319–1327, 2012
[ Download ] [ 2017-03-02 05:23:23 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 990 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-03-02 05:23:23 -

Cramér-Rao and moment-entropy inequalities for Renyi entropy and generalized Fisher information

Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Information Theory mathscidoc:1703.19002

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51, (2), 473–478, 2005
[ Download ] [ 2017-03-02 05:29:59 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 1115 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-03-02 05:29:59 -

Optimal Sobolev norms and the Lp Minkowski problem

Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Analysis of PDEs Convex and Discrete Geometry mathscidoc:1703.03002

International Mathematics Research Notices, 62987, 2006
[ Download ] [ 2017-03-02 06:38:57 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 1726 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-03-02 06:38:57 2017-03-14 00:40:52

Moment-entropy inequalities for a random vector

Erwin Lutwak New York University Deane Yang New York University Gaoyong Zhang New York University

Information Theory mathscidoc:1703.19003

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53, (4), 1603–1607, 2007
[ Download ] [ 2017-03-02 06:49:44 uploaded by deaneyang ] [ 1034 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2017-03-02 06:49:44 -
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