169 paper(s) uploaded by Pavel_Exner.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes

Pavel Exner P Freitas D Krejik

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43061

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460, (2052), 3457-3467, 2004.12
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:36:13 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 445 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:36:13 -

An isoperimetric problem for leaky loops and related mean-chord inequalities

Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43062

Journal of mathematical physics, 46, (6), 062105, 2005.6
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:36:52 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 374 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:36:52 -

A single-mode quantum transport in serial-structure geometric scatterers

Pavel Exner Milos Tater D Vank

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43063

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42, (9), 4050-4078, 2001.9
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:37:11 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 415 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:37:11 -

Open quantum dots: resonances from perturbed symmetry and bound states in strong magnetic fields

Pierre Duclos Pavel Exner Bernhard Meller

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43064

Reports on Mathematical Physics, 47, (2), 253-267, 2001.4
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:37:26 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 441 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:37:26 -

Generalized boundary conditions for the AharonovBohm effect combined with a homogeneous magnetic field

Pavel Exner P tovek P Vytas

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43066

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43, (5), 2151-2168, 2002.5
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:38:01 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 220 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:38:01 -

Resonance statistics in a microwave cavity with a thin antenna

Pavel Exner P Seba

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43067

Physics Letters A, 228, (3), 146-150, 1997.4
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:38:16 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 208 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:38:16 -

Approximations of singular vertex couplings in quantum graphs


TBD mathscidoc:1910.43068

Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 19, (06), 571-606, 2007.7
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:38:36 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 443 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:38:36 -

On the number of particles that a curved quantum waveguide can bind

Pavel Exner Simeon A Vugalter

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43069

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40, (10), 4630-4638, 1999.10
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:38:57 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 371 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:38:57 -

Resonances in curved quantum wires

Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43072

Physics Letters A, 141, 213-216, 1989.11
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:49:57 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 463 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:49:57 -

Inequalities for means of chords, with application to isoperimetric problems

Pavel Exner Evans M Harrell Michael Loss

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43073

Letters in Mathematical Physics, 75, (3), 225-233, 2006.3
[ Download ] [ 2019-10-20 12:50:13 uploaded by Pavel_Exner ] [ 425 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-10-20 12:50:13 -
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