17 paper(s) uploaded by Yangyang_Xu.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

Improved Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Unconstrained Smoothed Lq Minimization

Ming-Jun Lai Yangyang Xu Wotao Yin

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43140

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51, (2), 927-957, 2013.3
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:14 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 992 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:14 -

An alternating direction algorithm for matrix completion with nonnegative factors

Yangyang Xu Wotao Yin Zaiwen Wen Yin Zhang

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43141

Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 7, (2), 365-384, 2012.4
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:18 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 395 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:18 -

Parallel matrix factorization for low-rank tensor completion

Yangyang Xu Ruru Hao Wotao Yin Zhixun Su

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43142

Inverse Problems and Imaging, 9, (2), 601-624, 2013
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:25 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 671 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:25 -

Coordinate Friendly Structures, Algorithms and Applications

Zhimin Peng Tianyu Wu Yangyang Xu Ming Yan Wotao Yin

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43143

Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 1, (1), 57-119, 2016
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:28 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 626 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:28 -

Decentralized low-rank matrix completion

Qing Ling Yangyang Xu Wotao Yin Zaiwen Wen

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43144

2925-2928, 2012.3
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:32 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 580 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:32 -

Global and Local Structure Preserving Sparse Subspace Learning: An Iterative Approach to Unsupervised Feature Selection

Nan Zhou Yangyang Xu Hong Cheng Jun Fang Witold Pedrycz

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:1912.43145

Pattern Recognition, 53, 87-101, 2016
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:36 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 569 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:36 -

Alternating proximal gradient method for sparse nonnegative Tucker decomposition

Yangyang Xu

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:1912.43146

Mathematical Programming Computation, 7, (1), 39-70, 2015
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:43 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 629 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:43 -

Randomized Primal-Dual Proximal Block Coordinate Updates

Xiang Gao Yangyang Xu Shuzhong Zhang

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43147

Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 7, (2), 205--250, 2019
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:47 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 648 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:47 -

First-order methods for constrained convex programming based on linearized augmented Lagrangian function

Yangyang Xu

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:1912.43148

arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.08020, 2017.11
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:50 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 701 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:50 -

Accelerated Primal-Dual Proximal Block Coordinate Updating Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization

Yangyang Xu Shuzhong Zhang

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1912.43149

Computational Optimization and Applications, 70, (1), 91--128, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:25:54 uploaded by Yangyang_Xu ] [ 715 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2019-12-21 11:25:54 -
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