A simple approach for bubble modelling from multiphase fluid simulation

Bo Ren Nankai University Yuntao Jiang Tsinghua University Chenfeng Li Swansea University Ming C. Lin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1608.22006

Computational Visual Media, 1, (2), 171, 2015.6
This article presents a novel and flexible bubble modelling technique for multi-fluid simulations using a volume fraction representation. By combining the volume fraction data obtained from a primary multi-fluid simulation with simple and efficient secondary bubble simulation, a range of real-world bubble phenomena are captured with a high degree of physical realism, including large bubble deformation, sub-cell bubble motion, bubble stacking over the liquid surface, bubble volume change, dissolving of bubbles, etc. Without any change in the primary multi-fluid simulator, our bubble modelling approach is applicable to any multi-fluid simulator based on the volume fraction representation.
bubble; volume fraction; smoothed particle hydrodynamics; fluid simulation
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  title={A simple approach for bubble modelling from multiphase fluid simulation },
  author={Bo Ren, Yuntao Jiang, Chenfeng Li, and Ming C. Lin},
  booktitle={Computational Visual Media},
Bo Ren, Yuntao Jiang, Chenfeng Li, and Ming C. Lin. A simple approach for bubble modelling from multiphase fluid simulation . 2015. Vol. 1. In Computational Visual Media. pp.171. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20160819180235606070301.
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