Subsets of Grassmannians preserved by mean curvature

Mu-Tao Wang Columbia University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1608.10058

Communications in Analysis and Geometry , 13, (5), 2005
Let $M = \sum_1 \times \sum_2 $ be the product of two compact Riemannian manifolds of dimension $n \ge 2$ and two, respectively. Let $\sum $ be the graph of a smooth map $f: \sum_1 \to \sum_2$, then $\sum$ is an n-dimensional submanifold of $M$. Let $\mathcal{G}$ be the Grassmannian bundle over $M$ whose fiber at each point is the set of all n-dimensional subspaces of the tangent space of $M$. The Gauss map $\gamma :\sum \to \mathcal{G}$ assigns to each point $x \in \sum $ the tangent space of \sum$ at x. This article considers the mean curvature flow of $\sum $ in $M$. When $\sum_1|$ and $\sum_2|$ are of the same non-negative curvature, we show a sub-bundle \mathcal{S}$ of the Grassmannian bundle is preserved along the flow, i.e. if the Gauss map of the initial submanifold $\sum $ lies in \mathcal{S}$, then the Gauss map of $\sum_t$ at any later time $t$ remains in $\mathcal{S}$. We also show that under this initial condition, the mean curvature flow remains a graph, exists for all time and converges to the graph of a constant map at infinity . As an application, we show that if $f$ is any map from $S^n$ to $S^2$ and if at each point, the restriction of $df$ to any two dimensional subspace is area decreasing, then f is homotopic to a constant map.
Riemannian manifolds, Grassmannian bundle
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  title={Subsets of Grassmannians preserved by mean curvature},
  author={Mu-Tao Wang},
  booktitle={Communications in Analysis and Geometry },
Mu-Tao Wang. Subsets of Grassmannians preserved by mean curvature. 2005. Vol. 13. In Communications in Analysis and Geometry .
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