Affine ADE bundles over surfaces with pg=0

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunxia Chen East China Univ of Sci Tech


Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2016
Given any Kodaira curve C in a complex surface X, we construct a simply-laced affine Lie algebra bundle E over X. When pg(X) = 0, we construct deformations of holomorphic structures on E such that the new bundle is trivial over any ADE curve C inside C and therefore descends to the singular surface obtained by contracting C.
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  title={Affine ADE bundles over surfaces with pg=0},
  author={Conan Leung, and Yunxia Chen},
  booktitle={Mathematische Zeitschrift},
Conan Leung, and Yunxia Chen. Affine ADE bundles over surfaces with pg=0. 2016. In Mathematische Zeitschrift.
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