59 paper(s) uploaded by conan.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

An update of quantum cohomology of homogeneous varieties

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Proceedings of 6th ICCM, 197-221, 2016
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:25:07 uploaded by conan ] [ 694 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:25:07 -

Deformability of Lie algebra bundles and geometry of rational surfaces

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunxia Chen East China Univ of Sci Tech


IMRN, 12, 2015
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:28:40 uploaded by conan ] [ 635 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 2 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:28:40 -

Affine ADE bundles over surfaces with pg=0

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunxia Chen East China Univ of Sci Tech


Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2016
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:30:54 uploaded by conan ] [ 725 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:30:54 -

Cox rings of rational surfaces and flag varieties of ADE types

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jiajin Zhang Sichuen University


Comm Analy Geom, 23, (2), 293-317, 2015
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:34:25 uploaded by conan ] [ 555 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:34:25 -

ADE bundles over ADE singular surfaces and flag varieties of ADE type

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunxia Chen East China Univ of Sci Tech


[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:37:01 uploaded by conan ] [ 686 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:37:01 -

Instantons in G2 manifolds from J-holomorphic curves in coassociative submanifolds

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Xiaowei Wang Rutgers University Ke Zhu Harvard University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1608.10078

Proceedings of 19th Gokova Geometry-Topology conference, 89-110, 2014
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:39:49 uploaded by conan ] [ 668 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:39:49 -

ADE Bundles over Surfaces with ADE Singularities

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunxia Chen East China Univ of Sci Tech


IMRN, 2014
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:41:43 uploaded by conan ] [ 657 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:41:43 -

Thin instantons in g2-manifolds and seiberg-witten invariants

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Xiaowei Wang Rutgers University Ke Zhu Harvard University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1608.10079

JDG, 2013
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:42:51 uploaded by conan ] [ 584 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:42:51 -

Quantum Pieri rules for tautological subbundles

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Changzheng Li University of Tokyo


Advances in Mathematics, 248, 279-307, 2013
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:46:10 uploaded by conan ] [ 877 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 6 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:46:10 -

Non-simply laced McKay correspondence and triality

Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jiajin Zhang Sichuen University


Pure and applied Math Quarterly, 8, (4), 941-955, 2012
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-28 21:47:50 uploaded by conan ] [ 990 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-08-28 21:47:50 -
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