Sharp spectral gap and Li–Yau’s estimate on Alexandrov spaces

Zhongmin Qian University of Oxford Hui-Chun Zhang Sun Yat-sen University Xi-Ping Zhu Sun Yat-sen University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10100

Math. Z, 273, 1175–1195
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  title={Sharp spectral gap and Li–Yau’s estimate on Alexandrov spaces},
  author={Zhongmin Qian, Hui-Chun Zhang, and Xi-Ping Zhu},
  booktitle={Math. Z},
Zhongmin Qian, Hui-Chun Zhang, and Xi-Ping Zhu. Sharp spectral gap and Li–Yau’s estimate on Alexandrov spaces. Vol. 273. In Math. Z. pp.1175–1195.
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