Brandt matrices and theta series over global function fields

Chih-Yun Chuang National Taiwan University Ting-Fang Lee National Tsing Hua University Fu-Tsun Wei National Central University Jing Yu National Taiwan University

Number Theory mathscidoc:1611.24004

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 237, (1117), 2015
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  title={Brandt matrices and theta series over global function fields},
  author={Chih-Yun Chuang, Ting-Fang Lee, Fu-Tsun Wei, and Jing Yu},
  booktitle={Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society},
Chih-Yun Chuang, Ting-Fang Lee, Fu-Tsun Wei, and Jing Yu. Brandt matrices and theta series over global function fields. 2015. Vol. 237. In Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
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