An adaptively refined least-squares finite element method for generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model

Hsueh-Chen Lee Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1612.25002

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36, (1), A193– A218, 2014.2
We implemented an adaptively refined least-squares finite element approach for the Navier-Stokes equations that govern generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model. To capture the flow region, we developed an adaptive mesh refinement approach based on the least-squares method. The generated refined grids agree well with the physical attributes of the flows. We also proved that the least-squares approximation converges to the linearized versions solutions of the Carreau model at the best possible rate. Model problems considered in the study are the flow past a planar channel and 4-to-1 contraction problems. We presented the numerical results of the model problems, revealing the efficiency of the proposed scheme, and investigated the physical parameter effects.
least-squares, Carreau model, adaptive mesh refinement, generalized Newtonian fluid
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  title={An adaptively refined least-squares finite element method for generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model},
  author={Hsueh-Chen Lee},
  booktitle={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  pages={A193– A218},
Hsueh-Chen Lee. An adaptively refined least-squares finite element method for generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model. 2014. Vol. 36. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. pp.A193– A218.
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