Classification of negatively pinched manifolds with amenable fundamental groups

Igor Belegradek School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology Vitali Kapovitch Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331972

Acta Mathematica, 196, (2), 229-260, 2005.7
We give a diffeomorphism classification of pinched negatively curved manifolds with amenable fundamental groups, namely, they are precisely the Möbius band, and the products of$R$with the total spaces of flat vector bundles over closed infranilmanifolds.
collapsing; horosphere; infranilmanifold; negative curvature; nilpotent; parabolic group
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  title={Classification of negatively pinched manifolds with amenable fundamental groups},
  author={Igor Belegradek, and Vitali Kapovitch},
  booktitle={Acta Mathematica},
Igor Belegradek, and Vitali Kapovitch. Classification of negatively pinched manifolds with amenable fundamental groups. 2005. Vol. 196. In Acta Mathematica. pp.229-260.
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