The local$Π$_{1}of the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelianof the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelian

Tráng Lê Dũng Centie de Mathématiques, Ecole Polytechnique K. Saito RIMS, Kyoto University

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332592

Arkiv for Matematik, 22, (1), 1-24, 1981.10
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  title={The local$Π$_{1}of the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelianof the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelian},
  author={Tráng Lê Dũng, and K. Saito},
  booktitle={Arkiv for Matematik},
Tráng Lê Dũng, and K. Saito. The local$Π$_{1}of the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelianof the complement of a hypersurface with normal crossings in codimension 1 is abelian. 1981. Vol. 22. In Arkiv for Matematik. pp.1-24.
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