An application of a theorem of Emerton to mod p representations of GL_2

Yongquan Hu Morningside Center of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Number Theory mathscidoc:1703.24008

Let p be a prime and L be a finite extension of ℚp. We study the ordinary parts of GL2(L)-representations arised in the mod p cohomology of Shimura curves attached to indefinite division algebras which splits at a finite place above p. The main tool of the proof is a theorem of Emerton \cite{Em3}.
Buzzard-Diamond-Jarvis conjecture
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  title={An application of a theorem of Emerton to mod p representations of GL_2},
  author={Yongquan Hu},
Yongquan Hu. An application of a theorem of Emerton to mod p representations of GL_2.
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