The conditions for separated binary polynomials which graphs are closed curves

Ruijie Niu Shishi high school

S.-T. Yau High School Science Awarded Papers mathscidoc:1801.35027

Yau Science Award (Math), 2017.12
The paper mainly discusses, based on the properties and related knowledge of continuous functions, the conditions that the graphs of separated binary polynomials are closed curves by the method of separation of variables. It also studies the properties of closed curves in the ways of analytic geometry, and draws a sucient and necessary condition to determine whether the graph of a separated binary polynomial is closed.
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  title={The conditions for separated binary polynomials which graphs are closed curves},
  author={Ruijie Niu},
  booktitle={Yau Science Award (Math)},
Ruijie Niu. The conditions for separated binary polynomials which graphs are closed curves. 2017. In Yau Science Award (Math).
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