Solving Three Dimensional Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems with Fourteen Bravais Lattices

Tsung-Ming Huang Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University Tiexiang Li School of Mathematics, Southeast University Wei-De Li Department of Mathematics, National Tsing-Hua University Jia-Wei Lin Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University Wen-Wei Lin Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University Tian Heng Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1810.07001

Calculation of band structures of three dimensional photonic crystals amounts to solving large-scale Maxwell eigenvalue problems, which are notoriously challenging due to high multiplicity of zero eigenvalues. In this paper, we try to address this problem in such a broad context that band structures of three dimensional isotropic photonic crystals in all $14$ Bravais lattices can be efficiently computed in a unified framework. In this work, we uncover the delicate machinery behind several key results of our framework and on the basis of this new understanding we drastically simplify the derivations, proofs and arguments. Particular effort is made on reformulating the Bloch condition for all $14$ Bravais lattices in the redefined orthogonal coordinate system, and establishing eigen-decomposition of discrete partial derivative operators by identifying the hierarchical structure of the underlying normal (block) companion matrix, and reducing the eigen-decomposition of the double-curl operator to a simple factorization of a $3$-by-$3$ complex skew-symmetric matrix. With the validity of the novel nullspace free method in the broad context, we perform some calculations on one benchmark system to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our algorithm to solve Maxwell eigenvalue problems.
Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems, three-dimensional photonic crystals, Bravais lattices, nullspace free method, FAME
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  • Submitted
  title={Solving Three Dimensional Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems with Fourteen Bravais Lattices},
  author={Tsung-Ming Huang, Tiexiang Li, Wei-De Li, Jia-Wei Lin, Wen-Wei Lin, and Tian Heng},
Tsung-Ming Huang, Tiexiang Li, Wei-De Li, Jia-Wei Lin, Wen-Wei Lin, and Tian Heng. Solving Three Dimensional Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems with Fourteen Bravais Lattices.
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