Partial regularity of harmonic maps from Alexandrov spaces

Huabin Ge Renmin University of China Wenshuai Jiang Zhejiang University Hui-Chun Zhang Sun Yat-sen University

Differential Geometry Metric Geometry mathscidoc:1908.10005

In this paper, we prove the Lipschitz regularity of continuous harmonic maps from an finite dimensional Alexandrov space to a compact smooth Riemannian manifold. This solves a conjecture of F. H. Lin in [36]. The proof extends the argument of Huang-Wang [26].
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  title={Partial regularity of harmonic maps from Alexandrov spaces},
  author={Huabin Ge, Wenshuai Jiang, and Hui-Chun Zhang},
Huabin Ge, Wenshuai Jiang, and Hui-Chun Zhang. Partial regularity of harmonic maps from Alexandrov spaces.
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