On the reverse dual Loomis-Whitney inequality

You-Ran Feng Henan Polytechnic University Qingzhong Huang Jiaxing University Ai-Jun Li Henan Polytechnic University

Convex and Discrete Geometry mathscidoc:1908.40003

The dual Loomis-Whitney inequality provides the sharp lower bound for the volume of a convex body in terms of its $(n-1)$-dimensional coordinate sections. In this paper, some reverse forms of the dual Loomis-Whitney inequality are obtained. In particular, we show that the best universal DLW-constant for origin-symmetric planar convex bodies is $1$.
Loomis-Whitney inequality, DLW-constant, Cross-polytope, Cube.
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  title={On the reverse dual Loomis-Whitney inequality},
  author={You-Ran Feng, Qingzhong Huang, and Ai-Jun Li},
You-Ran Feng, Qingzhong Huang, and Ai-Jun Li. On the reverse dual Loomis-Whitney inequality. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20190822155144429343451.
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