Q-Operator and Fusion Relations for Uq(C(2)(2))

Ivan Chi-Ho Ip HKUST Anton Zeitlin Columbia University

TBD mathscidoc:1909.43012

Letters in Mathematical Physics, 104, (8), 1019-1043, 2014
The construction of the Q-operator for twisted affine superalgebra Uq(C(2)(2)) is given. It is shown that the corresponding prefundamental representations give rise to evaluation modules some of which do not have a classical limit, which nevertheless appear to be a necessary part of fusion relations.
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  title={Q-Operator and Fusion Relations for Uq(C(2)(2))},
  author={Ivan Chi-Ho Ip, and Anton Zeitlin},
  booktitle={Letters in Mathematical Physics},
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip, and Anton Zeitlin. Q-Operator and Fusion Relations for Uq(C(2)(2)). 2014. Vol. 104. In Letters in Mathematical Physics. pp.1019-1043. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20190920164312196749502.
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