Potential 1-forms for hyper-Khler structures with torsion

Liviu Ornea Yat Sun Poon Andrew Swann

Complex Variables and Complex Analysis mathscidoc:1910.43819

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 20, (9), 1845, 2003.4
It is shown that an HKT space with closed parallel potential 1-form has D (2, 1; 1) symmetry. Every locally conformally hyper-Khler manifold generates this type of geometry. The HKT spaces with closed parallel potential 1-form arising in this way are characterized by their symmetries and an inhomogeneous cubic condition on their torsion.
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  title={Potential 1-forms for hyper-Khler structures with torsion},
  author={Liviu Ornea, Yat Sun Poon, and Andrew Swann},
  booktitle={Classical and Quantum Gravity},
Liviu Ornea, Yat Sun Poon, and Andrew Swann. Potential 1-forms for hyper-Khler structures with torsion. 2003. Vol. 20. In Classical and Quantum Gravity. pp.1845. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20191020221134858514348.
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