Lie bialgebroids of generalized CRF-manifolds

Yat Sun Poon Assa Wade

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1910.43842

Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348, 919-922, 2010.8
The notion of a generalized CRF-structure on a smooth manifold was recently introduced and studied by Vaisman (2008)[6]. An important class of generalized CRF-structures on an odd dimensional manifold M consists of CRF-structures having complementary frames of the form , where is a vector field and is a 1-form on M with ()= 1. It turns out that these kinds of CRF-structures give rise to a special class of what we called strong generalized contact structures in Poon and Wade [5]. More precisely, we show that to any CRF-structures with complementary frames of the form , there corresponds a canonical Lie bialgebroid. Finally, we explain the relationship between generalized contact structures and another generalization of the notion of a CauchyRiemann structure on a manifold.
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  title={Lie bialgebroids of generalized CRF-manifolds},
  author={Yat Sun Poon, and Assa Wade},
  booktitle={Comptes Rendus Mathematique},
Yat Sun Poon, and Assa Wade. Lie bialgebroids of generalized CRF-manifolds. 2010. Vol. 348. In Comptes Rendus Mathematique. pp.919-922.
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