The SC1 property of the squared norm of the SOC FischerBurmeister function

Jein-Shan Chen Defeng Sun Jie Sun

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1910.43886

Operations Research Letters, 36, (3), 385-392, 2008.5
We show that the gradient mapping of the squared norm of FischerBurmeister function is globally Lipschitz continuous and semismooth, which provides a theoretical basis for solving nonlinear second-order cone complementarity problems via the conjugate gradient method and the semismooth Newtons method.
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  title={The SC1 property of the squared norm of the SOC FischerBurmeister function},
  author={Jein-Shan Chen, Defeng Sun, and Jie Sun},
  booktitle={Operations Research Letters},
Jein-Shan Chen, Defeng Sun, and Jie Sun. The SC1 property of the squared norm of the SOC FischerBurmeister function. 2008. Vol. 36. In Operations Research Letters. pp.385-392.
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