Stationary point conditions for the FB merit function associated with symmetric cones

Shaohua Pan Yu-Lin Chang Jein-Shan Chen

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:1910.43912

Operations Research Letters, 38, (5), 372-377, 2010.9
For the symmetric cone complementarity problem, we show that each stationary point of the unconstrained minimization reformulation based on the FischerBurmeister merit function is a solution to the problem, provided that the gradient operators of the mappings involved in the problem satisfy column monotonicity or have the Cartesian P 0-property. These results answer the open question proposed in the article that appeared in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 355 (2009) 195215.
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  title={Stationary point conditions for the FB merit function associated with symmetric cones},
  author={Shaohua Pan, Yu-Lin Chang, and Jein-Shan Chen},
  booktitle={Operations Research Letters},
Shaohua Pan, Yu-Lin Chang, and Jein-Shan Chen. Stationary point conditions for the FB merit function associated with symmetric cones. 2010. Vol. 38. In Operations Research Letters. pp.372-377.
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