Complete cscK metrics on the local models of the conifold transition

Jixiang Fu Shing-Tung Yau Wubin Zhou

Complex Variables and Complex Analysis mathscidoc:1912.43692

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 335, (3), 1215-1233, 2015.5
In this paper, we construct complete constant scalar curvature Khler (cscK) metrics on the complement of the zero section in the total space of O ( - 1 ) 2 over O ( - 1 ) 2 , which is biholomorphic to the smooth part of the cone <i>C</i> <sub>0</sub> in O ( - 1 ) 2 defined by equation O ( - 1 ) 2 . On its small resolution and its deformation, we also consider complete cscK metrics and find that if the cscK metrics are homogeneous, then they must be Ricci-flat.
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  title={Complete cscK metrics on the local models of the conifold transition},
  author={Jixiang Fu, Shing-Tung Yau, and Wubin Zhou},
  booktitle={Communications in Mathematical Physics},
Jixiang Fu, Shing-Tung Yau, and Wubin Zhou. Complete cscK metrics on the local models of the conifold transition. 2015. Vol. 335. In Communications in Mathematical Physics. pp.1215-1233.
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