Nonlinear stability of boundary layers of the Boltzmann equation, I. The case M< 1

Seiji Ukai Tong Yang Shih-Hsien Yu

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1912.43955

Communications in mathematical physics, 244, (1), 99-109, 2004.1
This is a continuation of the paper [15] on nonlinear boundary layers of the Boltzmann equation where the existence is established and shown to be strongly dependent on the Mach number <i>M</i> <sup> <i></i> </sup> of the Maxwellian state at far field. In this paper, when <i>M</i> <sup> <i></i> </sup>&lt;1, we will show that the linearized operator has the exponential decay in time property and therefore a bootstrapping argument yields nonlinear stability of the boundary layers.
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  title={Nonlinear stability of boundary layers of the Boltzmann equation, I. The case M&lt; 1},
  author={Seiji Ukai, Tong Yang, and Shih-Hsien Yu},
  booktitle={Communications in mathematical physics},
Seiji Ukai, Tong Yang, and Shih-Hsien Yu. Nonlinear stability of boundary layers of the Boltzmann equation, I. The case M&lt; 1. 2004. Vol. 244. In Communications in mathematical physics. pp.99-109.
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