New conformal field theory from N=(0,2) Landau-Ginzburg model

Jirui Guo Fudan University Satoshi Nawata Fudan University Runkai Tao Fudan University Hao Zhang Fudan University

Theoretical Physics arXiv subject: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) mathscidoc:2205.39001

Physical Review D, 101, 2020.3
By studying the infra-red fixed point of an N = (0, 2) Landau-Ginzburg model, we find an example of modular invariant partition function beyond the ADE classification. This stems from the fact that a part of the left-moving sector is a new conformal field theory which is a variant of the parafermion model.
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  title={New conformal field theory from N=(0,2) Landau-Ginzburg model},
  author={Jirui Guo, Satoshi Nawata, Runkai Tao, and Hao Zhang},
  booktitle={Physical Review D},
Jirui Guo, Satoshi Nawata, Runkai Tao, and Hao Zhang. New conformal field theory from N=(0,2) Landau-Ginzburg model. 2020. Vol. 101. In Physical Review D.
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