Vast portfolio selection with gross-exposure constraints

Jianqing Fan Jingjin Zhang Ke Yu

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43284

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, (498), 592-606, 2012.6
This article introduces the large portfolio selection using gross-exposure constraints. It shows that with gross-exposure constraints, the empirically selected optimal portfolios based on estimated covariance matrices have similar performance to the theoretical optimal ones and there is no error accumulation effect from estimation of vast covariance matrices. This gives theoretical justification to the empirical results by Jagannathan and Ma. It also shows that the no-short-sale portfolio can be improved by allowing some short positions. The applications to portfolio selection, tracking, and improvements are also addressed. The utility of our new approach is illustrated by simulation and empirical studies on the 100 FamaFrench industrial portfolios and the 600 stocks randomly selected from Russell 3000.
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  title={Vast portfolio selection with gross-exposure constraints},
  author={Jianqing Fan, Jingjin Zhang, and Ke Yu},
  booktitle={Journal of the American Statistical Association},
Jianqing Fan, Jingjin Zhang, and Ke Yu. Vast portfolio selection with gross-exposure constraints. 2012. Vol. 107. In Journal of the American Statistical Association. pp.592-606.
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