2 paper(s) uploaded by puttchang.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

A network flow model for the genesis and migration of gas phase

Koukung Chang Department of Applied Mathematics, National Pingtung University W. Brent Lindquist Department of Mathematics, Texas Tech University

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1609.22012

Comput Geosci, 17, 67-81, 2013.1
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-20 14:07:22 uploaded by puttchang ] [ 851 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-20 14:07:22 -

The dynamics of gas‑bubble formation at saturated conditions in porous media flow

K. Alex Chang Department of Applied Mathematics, National Pingtung University W. Brent Lindquist Department of Mathematics, Texas Tech University

Dynamical Systems Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:2103.11001

[ Download ] [ 2021-03-08 10:21:38 uploaded by puttchang ] [ 789 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2021-03-08 10:21:38 -
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