[61] Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds

S. S. Chern University of California, Berkeley, Cal., USA J. K. Moser University of California, Berkeley, Cal., USA

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331470

Acta Mathematica, 133, (1), 219-271, 1974.5
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[62] Fixed point free actions on$Z$-acyclic 2-complexes

Bob Oliver LAGA-UMR de Mathématiques, Université Paris Nord Yoav Segev Department of Mathematics, Ben Gurion University

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331922

Acta Mathematica, 189, (2), 203-285, 2000.9
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[63] Fourier integral operators. II

J. J. Duistermaat University of Nijmegen, Holland L. Hörmander University of Nijmegen, Holland

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331422

Acta Mathematica, 128, (1), 183-269, 1971.9
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[64] Extremal Analytic Functions in the Unit Circle

John L. Lewis Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332362

Arkiv for Matematik, 10, (1), 173-194, 1971.6
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[65] Multiplicities of recurrence sequences

Hans Peter Schlickewei Abteilung Mathematick II, Universität Ulm

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331822

Acta Mathematica, 176, (2), 171-243, 1994.6
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