In this note we establish some general finiteness results concerning lattices Γ in connected Lie groups$G$which possess certain “density” properties (see$Moskowitz$, M., On the density theorems of Borel and Furstenberg,$Ark. Mat.$$16$(1978), 11–27, and$Moskowitz$, M., Some results on automorphisms of bounded displacement and bounded cocycles,$Monatsh. Math.$$85$(1978), 323–336). For such groups we show that Γ always has finite index in its normalizer$N$_{$G$}(Γ). We then investigate analogous questions for the automorphism group Aut($G$) proving, under appropriate conditions, that Stab_{Aut($G$)}(Γ) is discrete. Finally we show, under appropriate conditions, that the subgroup $\tilde{\Gamma}=\{i_{\gamma}:\gamma \in \Gamma \},\ i_{\gamma}(x)=\gamma x\gamma^{-1}$ , of Aut($G$) has finite index in Stab_{Aut($G$)}(Γ). We test the limits of our results with various examples and counterexamples.