[1726] Fundamental solutions of real homogeneous cubic operators of principal type in three dimensions

Peter Wagner Institut für Mathematik und Geometrie, Universität Innsbruck

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331870

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 283-300, 1998.8
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[1727] The zero multiplicity of linear recurrence sequences

Wolfgang M. Schmidt Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331869

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 243-282, 1998.3
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[1728] On the structure of the Selberg class, I: 0≤$d$≤1

Jerzy Kaczorowski Faclty of Mathematics and Computer science, A. Mickiewicz University Alberto Perelli Department of Mathematics, University of Genova

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331868

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 207-241, 1997.12
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[1729] Hypercontractivity over complex manifolds

Leonard Gross Department of Mathematics, Cornell University

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331867

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 159-206, 1998.3
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[1730] Exposants de Liapounoff et distribution des points périodiques d'un endomorphisme de$CP$^{$k$}

Jean-Yves Briend Laboratoire Analyse, topologie, Probabilités UMR 6632 Centre de Mathématiques et d'Informatique, Université de Provence Julien Duval Laboratoire Émile Picard UMR 5580, Université Paul Sabatier

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331866

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 143-157, 1999.8
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