
[2076] Bi-parameter paraproducts

Camil Muscalu Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Jill Pipher Department of Mathematics, Brown University Terence Tao Department of Mathematics, University of California Christoph Thiele School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331951

Acta Mathematica, 193, (2), 269-296, 2003.11
[ Download ] [ 2017-01-08 20:33:46 uploaded by actaadmin ] [ 1053 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 47 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[2077] Bounds on homological invariants of VI-modules

Wee Liang Gan UC Riverside Liping Li Hunan Normal University

K-Theory and Homology Representation Theory Rings and Algebras mathscidoc:1711.20001

[ Download ] [ 2017-11-23 17:12:53 uploaded by LipingLi ] [ 1053 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[2078] Transport information geometry I: Riemannian calculus on probability simplex

Wuchen Li UCLA

Differential Geometry Information Theory Mathematical Physics Machine Learning mathscidoc:2004.19001

arXiv:1803.06360, 2018.3
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:36:35 uploaded by lwc2017 ] [ 1053 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[2079] Metric Lie groups admitting dilations

Enrico Le Donne Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland; and Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Italy Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Padova, Italy

Differential Geometry Algebraic Topology and General Topology mathscidoc:2203.10001

Arkiv for Matematik, 59, (1), 125-163, 2021.5
[ Download ] [ 2022-03-11 10:41:59 uploaded by arkivadmin ] [ 1053 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[2080] Fixed energy universality for generalized Wigner matrices

Paul Bourgade Cambridge University Laszlo Erdos Institute of Science and Technology Austria Hong-Tzer Yau Harvard University Jun Yin University of Wisconsin, Madison

Probability mathscidoc:1608.28003

Best Paper Award in Applied Mathematics in 2018

Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69, (10), 1815–1881 , 2015
[ Download ] [ 2016-08-23 10:02:27 uploaded by yinjun ] [ 1052 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 5 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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