
[2126] Cork twisting exotic stein 4-manifolds

Selman Akbulut Michigan State University Kouichi Yasui Hiroshima University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10292

Journal of Differential Geometry, 93, (1), 1-36, 2013
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[2127] A general prime number theorem

Bertil Nyman Uppsala

TBD mathscidoc:1701.33985

Acta Mathematica, 81, (1), 299-307, 1949.12
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[2128] Exposants de Liapounoff et distribution des points périodiques d'un endomorphisme de$CP$^{$k$}

Jean-Yves Briend Laboratoire Analyse, topologie, Probabilités UMR 6632 Centre de Mathématiques et d'Informatique, Université de Provence Julien Duval Laboratoire Émile Picard UMR 5580, Université Paul Sabatier

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331866

Acta Mathematica, 182, (2), 143-157, 1999.8
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[2129] A simplified proof for a moving boundary problem for Hele-Shaw flows in the plane

Michael Reissig Department of Mathematics, Bergakademie Freiberg Lothar v. Wolfersdorf Department of Mathematics, Bergakademie Freiberg

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332787

Arkiv for Matematik, 31, (1), 101-116, 1991.6
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[2130] Criteria for validity of the maximum modulus principle for solutions of linear parabolic systems

Gershon I. Kresin The Research Institute, The College of Judea and Samaria Vladimir G. Maz'ya Department of Mathematics, Linköping University

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332809

Arkiv for Matematik, 32, (1), 121-155, 1992.9
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