
[326] Corrector theory for MsFEM and HMM in random media

Guillaume Bal Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York 10027 Wenjia Jing Département de Mathématiques et Applications, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 Rue d’Ulm, 75230 ParisCedex 05, France

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Probability mathscidoc:2206.25009

Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 9, (4), 1549-1587, 2011.12
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[327] Chiral massive news: null boundary symmetries in topologically massive gravity

H. Adami Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China; Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Huairou District, Beijing, 101408, P. R. China M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran V. Taghiloo Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), P.O. Box 45137-66731, Zanjan, Iran H. Yavartanoo Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Huairou District, Beijing, 101408, P. R. China C. Zwikel Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10/136, A-1040, Vienna, Austria

arXiv subject: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) mathscidoc:2206.74028

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 261, 2021.5
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[328] Corrector theory for elliptic equations in random media with singular Green’s function. application to random boundaries

Guillaume Bal Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University Wenjia Jing Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University

Analysis of PDEs Probability mathscidoc:2206.03002

Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 9, (2), 383-411, 2010.12
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[329] Null boundary phase space: slicings, news & memory

H. Adami Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China; Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Huairou District, Beijing, 101408, P.R. China D. Grumiller Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10/136, A-1040, Vienna, Austria M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran V. Taghiloo School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran; Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), P.O. Box 45137-66731, Zanjan, Iran H. Yavartanoo Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Huairou District, Beijing, 101408, P.R. China C. Zwikel Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10/136, A-1040, Vienna, Austria; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 2Y5, Canada

arXiv subject: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) mathscidoc:2206.74027

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 155, 2021.11
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[330] Homogenization and Corrector Theory for Linear Transport in Random Media

Guillaume Bal Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York NY, 10027 Wenjia Jing Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, United States

Analysis of PDEs Probability mathscidoc:2206.03001

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 28, (4), 1311-1343, 2010.12
[ Download ] [ 2022-06-22 15:20:56 uploaded by jingwj ] [ 444 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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