Historical Steps in Math  




We have selected some outstanding courses from YMSC and posted on this page. Everyone could learn the courses for free, but videos in this page could not be used for commercial purposes.
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Course name Lecturer Affiliation Date
Application of Calabi-Yau periods in scattering amplitudes Albrecht Klemm University of Bonn 2024.9.14-2024.9.20
Bayesian Statistics Fabrizio Ruggeri CNR 2024.9.19-2024.10.24
Introduction and overview of symplectic geometry Kenji Fukaya Tsinghua University 2024.9.11-2024.11.29
Higgs bundles and the Labourie conjecture Peter Smillie Max Planck Institute for Mathematics 2024.9.2-2024.9.11
Introduction to EMRIs and Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detection with LISA Pau AMARO SEOANE Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2024.5.22-2024.6.5
Explicit birational geometry Florin Ambro Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy 2024.5.7-2024.7.11
Generalizations of the McKay correspondence Agustin Romano National Autonomous University of Mexico 2024.4.2-2024.4.26
Path homology and Hodge Laplacian on digraphs Alexander Grigor'yan Univeristy of Bielefeld 2024.2.26-2024.4.3
Igusa stacks and exotic Hecke correspondences Pol van Hoften VU Amsterdam 2024.1.16-2024.1.18
Affine invariants of curves and surfaces with singularities / Introduction to singularities and applications Stanislaw Janeczko Warsaw University of Technology 2023.12.5-2023.12.14
Topics in Coding Theory Fidel Nemenzo University of the Philippines Diliman 2023.11.10-2023.12.13
QUANTUM PHYSICS WITH AND WITHOUT PLANK CONSTANT Andrey Losev & Maxim Leyenson HSE University, Russia & Independent University of Moscow 2023.9.19-2023.12.29
The Hodge-Tate period map on the perfectoid Shimura variety Yihang Zhu YMSC 2023.9.26-2023.12.21
Introduction to Geometric Langlands Theory Lin Chen YMSC 2023.9.19-2023.12.19
The geometric Satake correspondence Thomas Haines University of Maryland 2023.10.7-2023.10.25
Game theory Yuval Peres BIMSA 2023.9.21-2023.12.8
Adversarial Risk Analysis Fabrizio Ruggeri CNR 2023.9.6-2023.9.22
Physics for Mathematicians and Mathematics for Physicists Andrey Losev & Maxim Leyenson HSE University, Russia & Independent University of Moscow 2023.3.21-2023.5.31
Recent Development around Atiyah Floer Conjecture Kenji Fukaya Stony Brook University 2023.2.27-2023.3.15
Core topics in modern number theory. I'. Ivan Fesenko The University of Warwick 2022.12.1-2023.4.20
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig theory Cedric Bonnafe Universite de Montpellier 2022.11.9-2022.12.16
Cycles on special fiber of Shimura varieties and arithmetic applications Xiao Liang Peking University 2022.10.22-2022.11.19
Orbits of algebraic transformations Serge Cantat University of Rennes 2022.3.15-6.2
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Siu-Tat Chui University of Delaware 2022.4.14-6.11
Knot Theory Vassily Olegovich Manturov Russian Academy of Sciences 2022.5.12-6.19
Combinatorics Jie Ma USTC 2022.5.10-6.14
Stochastic Analysis and its Applications Tadahisa Funaki University of Tokyo 2022.3.8-6.10
Panorama of Dynamics and Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Applications Anton Zorich Universite Paris Cite 2022.4.5-6.2
YMSC/BIMSA Short Course: Perverse schobers Merlin Christ University of Hamburg 2022.2.23-4.13
Birational Geometry Caucher Birkar Tsinghua University 2021.9.17-2022.6.30
KPZ limit for interacting particle systems Tadahisa Funaki The University of Tokyo 2020.11.17-12.17
Lectures on Siegel modular forms Gerard van der Geer University of Amsterdam 2020.10.13-12.3
Hodge structures and period maps Eduard Looijenga Tsinghua University 2020.9.14-12.4
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