Lecture name |
Speaker |
Affiliation |
Date |
The Brownian loop measure on Riemann surfaces and applications to length spectra |
Yilin Wang |
2025.3.20 |
Local Langlands conjecture and positive-depth Deligne-Lusztig theory / Global Langlands parameters for G_2 |
Masao Oi, Wee Teck Gan |
2025.2.28 |
Diffusive Limit in Non-Convex Domains |
Lei Wu |
Lehigh University |
2025.2.24 |
The Langlands program for Classical Groups |
Wee Teck Gan |
National University of Singapore |
2025.2.25-2025.2.27 |
Loo-Keng Hua Distinguished Lectures |
David Nadler |
University of California, Berkeley |
2024.12.25-12.26 |
Hermann Weyl Distinguished Lectures |
Hirosi Ooguri |
California Institute of Technology & University of Tokyo |
2024.12.12-12.13 |
The last Kervaire invariant problem |
Guozhen Wang |
Fudan University |
2024.12.6 |
Computational Multiscale Modeling |
Bjorn Engquist |
The University of Texas at Austin |
2024.11.26-11.28 |
Automorphisms of the Boutet de Monvel algebra |
Ryszard Nest |
Copenhagen University |
2024.11.28 |
A number theorist's adventures in the land of spectral theory |
Zeev Rudnick |
Tel Aviv University |
2024.11.15 |
Boundary trace of reflected diffusions on uniform domains |
Zhen-Qing Chen |
University of Washington |
2024.10.18 |
Infrequent Resolving Algorithm for Online Linear Programming |
Zizhuo Wang |
CUHK, Shenzhen |
2024.10.11 |
Vanishing negative K-theory and bounded t-structures |
Amnon Neeman |
University of Milan |
2024.9.6 |
Tackling genomic testing in the presence of unmeasured confounding and missing data |
Kathryn Roeder |
Carnegie Mellon University |
2024.7.11 |
How data science and machine learning interpret genomic data and contribute to personalized medicine |
Kathryn Roeder |
Carnegie Mellon University |
2024.7.9 |
Directed Chain Generative Adversarial Networks for Multimodal Distributed Financial Data |
Ruimeng Hu |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
2024.6.28 |
Machine Learning and Seismic Tomography |
Xu Yang |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
2024.6.28 |
Wall-crossing for Calabi-Yau fourfolds and applications |
Arkadij Bojko |
Academia Sinica |
2024.6.7 |
Twistor families of connections, Higgs bundle calculations and applications to spectral varieties in the geometric Langlands correspondence |
Carlos Simpson |
Universite Cote d'Azur |
2024.5.28-2024.5.30 |
Current topics in nonabelian Hodge theory |
Carlos Simpson |
Universite Cote d'Azur |
2024.5.24 |
Kahler-Yang-Mills equations and gravitating vortices |
Oscar Garcia-Prada |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas |
2024.5.17 |
Quantum Computing at the Physical Layer |
Dawei Ding |
Alibaba Quantum Laboratory |
2024.5.10 |
Minimal surfaces and randomness |
Antoine Song |
California Institute of Technology |
2024.5.10 |
Rational K\pi 1 property for Reimann surfaces |
Tomohide Terasoma |
Hosei University |
2024.5.10 |
Some Unsolved Problems in Quantum and Classical Electromagnetics |
Weng Cho Chew |
Purdue University & University of Illinois |
2024.4.26 |
Techniques to move algebraic cycles, old and new |
Wataru Kai |
Tohoku University |
2024.4.25 |
Automata and pseudocharacters from one-dimensional TQFTs with defects |
Mikhail Khovanov |
Columbia University & Johns Hopkins University |
2024.4.19 |
On the geometry of the Chern classes for singular varieties |
Jose Antonio Seade Kuri |
2024.4.12 |
2024 Current Developments in Mathematics and Physics |
2024.4.3-2024.4.6 |
Beilinson--Bloch--Kato Conjecture and Iwasawa theory for Rankin--Selberg motives |
Yichao Tian |
2024.3.22 |
Applications of quantum cohomology to birational geometry |
Maxim Kontsevich |
2024.3.21-2024.3.27 |
Asymptotic analysis for harmonic maps with prescribed singularities |
Qing Han |
University of Notre Dame |
2024.3.8 |
General behavior of area-minimizing subvarieties |
Zhenhua Liu |
Princeton University |
2024.1.18 |
Fourier restriction type problems: New developments in the last 15 years |
Ruixiang Zhang |
UC Berkeley |
2024.1.5 |
Inverse Lax-Wendroff Procedure for Numerical Boundary Conditions |
Chi-Wang Shu |
Brown University |
2023.12.29 |
Thurston's broken windows only theorem and bounded image theorem |
Ken' ichi Ohshika |
Gakushin University |
2023.12.8 |
Dynamics on character varieties and Hodge theory |
Josh Lam |
Humboldt University |
2023.11.24 |
Kummer extensions of Hodge structures |
Spencer Bloch |
University of Chicago |
2023.11.23 |
Convergence of unitary representations and spectral gaps of manifolds |
Michael Magee |
Durham University |
2023.11.17 |
Geometry of Multidimensional Diophantine approximation and Diophantine exponents |
Nikolay Moshchevitin |
Israel Institute of Technology |
2023.11.10 |
Intersection cohomology in combinatorics |
Botong Wang |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
2023.11.3 |
Two dimensional percolation and Liouville quantum gravity |
Xin Sun |
2023.10.27 |
An introduction to Resurgence |
David Sauzin |
2023.10.25 |
Geometry of the P=W conjecture and beyond |
Junliang Shen |
Yale University |
2023.10.20 |
Percolation Theory: Some Open Problems |
Charles M. Newman |
2023.10.13 |
Modular forms, moduli and invariant theory |
Gerard van der Geer |
University of Amsterdam |
2023.9.28 |
An irregular Deligne-Simpson problem and Cherednik algebras |
Zhiwei Yun |
2023.9.22 |
Mathematics of magic angles |
Simon Becker |
ETH Zurich |
2023.9.8 |
Workshop on Geometric Representation Theory and Applications |
Lin Chen, Ben Davison, Jiuzu Hong, etc. |
IAS, University of Edinburgh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, etc. |
2023.7.10-2023.7.14 |
Gaussian Differential Privacy |
Su Weijie |
University of Pennsylvania |
2023.7.5 |
Computational methods for the dynamics of the nonlinear Schroedinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations |
Bao Weizhu |
National University of Singaporey |
2023.6.16 |
BSD in higher dimensions |
Liu Yifeng |
Zhejiang University |
2023.6.12 |
Mathematics Inspired by Physics |
Liu Kefeng |
UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology |
2023.6.9 |
Nonnegative Ricci curvature, nilpotency, and asymptotic geometry |
Pan Jiayin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
2023.6.9 |
Spectral rigidity of complex projective spaces |
Liu Kefeng |
UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology |
2023.6.8 |
Logarithmic vanishing theorems on compact Kahler manifolds |
Liu Kefeng |
UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology |
2023.6.7 |
Conductivity Imaging using Deep Neural Networks |
Jin Bangti |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2023.6.2 |
Hidden algebraic structures in geometry from quantum field theory |
Pei Du |
University of Southern Denmark |
2023.5.26 |
On the Geometry of Landau-Ginzburg Model |
Fan Huijun |
Peking University |
2023.5.19 |
Spaces of norms and Geometric Invariant Theory |
Sebastien Boucksom |
2023.5.12 |
Geometry of moduli spaces of quadratic differentials and applications |
Martin Moller |
Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt |
2023.4.28 |
Jose Antonio Seade Kuri |
National University of Mexico |
2023.4.14 |
Homological conjectures and singularities in mixed characteristic |
Ma Linquan |
Purdue University |
2023.4.7 |
Reflections on the Hodge Conjecture from an Arithmetic Geometer |
James D. Lewis |
University of Alberta |
2023.3.31 |
Machine intelligence and network science for complex systems big data analysis |
Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci |
Tsinghua University |
2023.3.24 |
Canonical tuples of matrices |
Daniel Litt |
University of Toronto |
2023.3.17 |
Settling the Efficiency of the First-Price Auction |
Lu Pinyan |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics |
2023.3.16 |
Some random recursive systems in probability theory |
Shi Zhan |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2023.3.10 |
On Grothendieck's Algebraicity Conjecture and random matrices |
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques |
2023.3.6 |
Lagrangian correspondence and its application to Floer theory |
Kenji Fukaya |
Stony Brook University |
2023.2.24 |
Microbiome Data Science - Phylogenetic Tree, Bacterial Growth Rate and Biosynthetic Gene Cluster |
Li Hongzhe |
University of Pennsylvania |
2023.1.30 |
Renormalization and Rigidity in Dynamical Systems |
Konstantin Khanin |
University of Toronto |
2022.12.28 |
Exploring isoperiodic foliations |
Guillaume Tahar |
2022.12.21 |
Link homology and foams |
Mikhail Khovanov |
Columbia University |
2022.12.16 |
Quantitative equidistribution of linear random walk on the torus |
He Weikun |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2022.12.14 |
Holomorphic Floer Theory and exponential integrals |
Yan Soibelman |
Kansas State University |
2022.12.9 |
Towards a zero-one law for improvements to Dirichlet's approximation theorem |
Yu Shucheng |
University of Science and Technology of China |
2022.11.30 |
Homeomorphisms of Euclidean space |
Oscar Randal-Williams |
University of Cambridge |
2022.11.25 |
Shrinking Target Problem for Matrix Transformations of Tori |
Liao Lingmin |
Wuhan University |
2022.11.23 |
From condensed matter theory to sub-wavelength physics |
Habib Ammari |
ETH Zurich |
2022.11.18 |
Asymptotics and limit theorems for horocycle ergodic integrals a la Ratner |
Davide Ravotti |
University of Vienna |
2022.11.16 |
Dowling-Wilson conjecture and equivariant compactification of the vector group |
Botong Wang |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
2022.11.11 |
Representation theory and a little bit of quantum field theory |
Ben Webster |
University of Waterloo |
2022.11.11 |
Constructing algebraic solutions of Painleve VI equation from p-adic Hodge theory and Langlands correspondence |
Zuo Kang |
Wuhan University |
2022.11.4 |
Some ergodic optimization problems for expanding circle maps |
Gao Rui |
Qufu Normal University |
2022.11.2 |
Mathematical imaging--From geometric PDEs and variational modelling to deep learning for images |
Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb |
University of Cambridge |
2022.10.28 |
Dynamics of Fermi-Ulam acceleration models |
Jing Zhou |
Penn State University |
2022.10.26 |
Modularity of arithmetic theta series |
Zhang Zhiyu |
2022.10.21 |
Non-abelian Hodge theory and higher Teichmuller spaces |
Oscar Garcia-Prada |
Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas |
2022.10.18 |
Perverse sheaves on affine flag varieties and coherent sheaves on the dual Steinberg variety |
Simon Riche |
Universite Clermont Auvergne |
2022.10.14 |
Measure rigidity for a class of skew product systems |
Changguang Dong |
Nankai University |
2022.10.12 |
Localization Schemes:A Framework for proving mixing bounds in Markov chains |
Ronen Eldan |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
2022.10.7 |
Data-driven optimization --- Integrating data sampling, learning, and optimization |
Wei Chen |
Microsoft Research Asia |
2022.9.30 |
Pointwise convergence of multiple ergodic averages |
Song Shao |
University of Science and Technology of China |
2022.9.28 |
Distinct distances on hyperbolic surfaces |
Xianchang Meng |
Shandong University |
2022.9.21 |
Superconvergence of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Zhang Zhimin |
Wayne State University |
2022.9.16 |
Energetic Variational Approaches in Active Materials and Reactive Fluids |
Chun Liu |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
2022.6.9 |
The geometry of k-Ricci curvature and a Monge-Ampere equation |
Ni Lei |
2022.6.2 |
Symmetry and uniqueness via a variational approach |
Yao Yao |
National University of Singapore |
2022.5.27 |
Sparsity-The Beauty of Less is More |
Raymond Hon-fu Chan |
City University of Hong Kong |
2022.5.13 |
Rainbow structures, Latin squares & graph decompositions |
Benny Sudakov |
ETH Zurich |
2022.5.6 |
Geometries of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties |
Sian Nie |
2022.4.29 |
Kahler-Einstein metrics and K-stability of Fano varieties |
Ziquan Zhuang |
2022.4.22 |
Geometric Bogomolov conjecture in arbitrary characteristics |
Junyi Xie |
BICMR, Peking university |
2022.4.15 |
Plateau's problem |
Camillo De Lellis |
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
2021.12.1-12.17 |
Classical and geometric Langlands over function fields |
Dennis Gaitsgory |
Harvard University |
2021.12.2-12.12 |
Universes as Big data: from Geometry, to Physics, to Machine-Learning |
Yang-Hui He |
University of London |
2021.11.20 |
Well-posedness of mean curvature flow through cylindrical singularities |
Kyeongsu Choi |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study. |
2021.10.18 |
Heat kernels on ultra-metric spaces |
Alexander Grigor'yan |
Bielefeld University |
2021.10.9 |
Solving equations with Hodge theory |
Liu Kefeng |
University of California, Los Angele |
2021.5.28 |
Differential Geometry Seminar |
Jingrui Cheng |
2021.5.28 |
The mathematics of interacting particles |
Sebastien Boucksom |
2021.5.18 |
Stability of Kerr black holes with small angular momentum |
Sergiu Klainerman |
Princeton University |
2021.5.11 |
Quantum computing and quantum machine learning |
Duan Luming |
Tsinghua University |
2021.5.7 |
Real bordism, Real orientations, and Lubin--Tate spectra |
Xiaolin Shi |
University of Chicago |
2021.4.23 |
Special points on random walk and Brownian motion |
Xinyi Li |
Peking University |
2021.4.16 |
New Piece of Mathematics Motived by Biology and its Implications |
Ping Ao |
Shanhai University |
2021.4.19 |
Hilbert's 13th problem and geometry |
Benson Farb |
University of Chicago |
2021.3.19 |
Bernstein and Liouville-type theorems in the study of singularities |
Leon Simon |
Stanford University |
2021.3.12 |
Learning with Topological Information - Image Analysis and Label Noise |
Chen Chao |
Stony Brook University |
2021.3.5 |
On Ahlfors currents |
Xie Songyan |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2021.2.26 |
Fourier Transform and Finite Analogues |
George Lusztig |
2021.2.25 |
Toric Geometry, Convolutional Neural Networks and Topological Data Analysis |
Rak-Kyeong Seong |
AI Advanced Research Lab at Samsung SDS in Seoul |
2020.12.4 |
Computational complexity of matrix multiplication |
Ye Ke |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2020.11.6 |
The Ricci flow and its applications |
Zhu Xiping |
Sun Yat-sen University |
2020.10.16 |
Lectures on algebraic geometry |
Caucher Birkar |
Tsinghua University |
2020.9.4-10.9 |
Topics in Analysis of Many Particle Systems |
Wang Zhenfu |
University of Pennsylvania |
2020.8.1-8.3 |