Historical Steps in Math  




We have selected some outstanding lectures from YMSC and posted on this page. Everyone could learn the lectures for free, but videos in this page could not be used for commercial purposes.
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Lecture name Speaker Affiliation Date
The Brownian loop measure on Riemann surfaces and applications to length spectra Yilin Wang IHES 2025.3.20
Local Langlands conjecture and positive-depth Deligne-Lusztig theory / Global Langlands parameters for G_2 Masao Oi, Wee Teck Gan NTU, NUS 2025.2.28
Diffusive Limit in Non-Convex Domains Lei Wu Lehigh University 2025.2.24
The Langlands program for Classical Groups Wee Teck Gan National University of Singapore 2025.2.25-2025.2.27
Loo-Keng Hua Distinguished Lectures David Nadler University of California, Berkeley 2024.12.25-12.26
Hermann Weyl Distinguished Lectures Hirosi Ooguri California Institute of Technology & University of Tokyo 2024.12.12-12.13
The last Kervaire invariant problem Guozhen Wang Fudan University 2024.12.6
Computational Multiscale Modeling Bjorn Engquist The University of Texas at Austin 2024.11.26-11.28
Automorphisms of the Boutet de Monvel algebra Ryszard Nest Copenhagen University 2024.11.28
A number theorist's adventures in the land of spectral theory Zeev Rudnick Tel Aviv University 2024.11.15
Boundary trace of reflected diffusions on uniform domains Zhen-Qing Chen University of Washington 2024.10.18
Infrequent Resolving Algorithm for Online Linear Programming Zizhuo Wang CUHK, Shenzhen 2024.10.11
Vanishing negative K-theory and bounded t-structures Amnon Neeman University of Milan 2024.9.6
Tackling genomic testing in the presence of unmeasured confounding and missing data Kathryn Roeder Carnegie Mellon University 2024.7.11
How data science and machine learning interpret genomic data and contribute to personalized medicine Kathryn Roeder Carnegie Mellon University 2024.7.9
Directed Chain Generative Adversarial Networks for Multimodal Distributed Financial Data Ruimeng Hu University of California, Santa Barbara 2024.6.28
Machine Learning and Seismic Tomography Xu Yang University of California, Santa Barbara 2024.6.28
Wall-crossing for Calabi-Yau fourfolds and applications Arkadij Bojko Academia Sinica 2024.6.7
Twistor families of connections, Higgs bundle calculations and applications to spectral varieties in the geometric Langlands correspondence Carlos Simpson Universite Cote d'Azur 2024.5.28-2024.5.30
Current topics in nonabelian Hodge theory Carlos Simpson Universite Cote d'Azur 2024.5.24
Kahler-Yang-Mills equations and gravitating vortices Oscar Garcia-Prada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2024.5.17
Quantum Computing at the Physical Layer Dawei Ding Alibaba Quantum Laboratory 2024.5.10
Minimal surfaces and randomness Antoine Song California Institute of Technology 2024.5.10
Rational K\pi 1 property for Reimann surfaces Tomohide Terasoma Hosei University 2024.5.10
Some Unsolved Problems in Quantum and Classical Electromagnetics Weng Cho Chew Purdue University & University of Illinois 2024.4.26
Techniques to move algebraic cycles, old and new Wataru Kai Tohoku University 2024.4.25
Automata and pseudocharacters from one-dimensional TQFTs with defects Mikhail Khovanov Columbia University & Johns Hopkins University 2024.4.19
On the geometry of the Chern classes for singular varieties Jose Antonio Seade Kuri UNAM 2024.4.12
2024 Current Developments in Mathematics and Physics 2024.4.3-2024.4.6
Beilinson--Bloch--Kato Conjecture and Iwasawa theory for Rankin--Selberg motives Yichao Tian MCM, CAS 2024.3.22
Applications of quantum cohomology to birational geometry Maxim Kontsevich IHES 2024.3.21-2024.3.27
Asymptotic analysis for harmonic maps with prescribed singularities Qing Han University of Notre Dame 2024.3.8
General behavior of area-minimizing subvarieties Zhenhua Liu Princeton University 2024.1.18
Fourier restriction type problems: New developments in the last 15 years Ruixiang Zhang UC Berkeley 2024.1.5
Inverse Lax-Wendroff Procedure for Numerical Boundary Conditions Chi-Wang Shu Brown University 2023.12.29
Thurston's broken windows only theorem and bounded image theorem Ken' ichi Ohshika Gakushin University 2023.12.8
Dynamics on character varieties and Hodge theory Josh Lam Humboldt University 2023.11.24
Kummer extensions of Hodge structures Spencer Bloch University of Chicago 2023.11.23
Convergence of unitary representations and spectral gaps of manifolds Michael Magee Durham University 2023.11.17
Geometry of Multidimensional Diophantine approximation and Diophantine exponents Nikolay Moshchevitin Israel Institute of Technology 2023.11.10
Intersection cohomology in combinatorics Botong Wang University of Wisconsin-Madison 2023.11.3
Two dimensional percolation and Liouville quantum gravity Xin Sun BICMR 2023.10.27
An introduction to Resurgence David Sauzin CNRS 2023.10.25
Geometry of the P=W conjecture and beyond Junliang Shen Yale University 2023.10.20
Percolation Theory: Some Open Problems Charles M. Newman NYU 2023.10.13
Modular forms, moduli and invariant theory Gerard van der Geer University of Amsterdam 2023.9.28
An irregular Deligne-Simpson problem and Cherednik algebras Zhiwei Yun MIT 2023.9.22
Mathematics of magic angles Simon Becker ETH Zurich 2023.9.8
Workshop on Geometric Representation Theory and Applications Lin Chen, Ben Davison, Jiuzu Hong, etc. IAS, University of Edinburgh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, etc. 2023.7.10-2023.7.14
Gaussian Differential Privacy Su Weijie University of Pennsylvania 2023.7.5
Computational methods for the dynamics of the nonlinear Schroedinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations Bao Weizhu National University of Singaporey 2023.6.16
BSD in higher dimensions Liu Yifeng Zhejiang University 2023.6.12
Mathematics Inspired by Physics Liu Kefeng UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology 2023.6.9
Nonnegative Ricci curvature, nilpotency, and asymptotic geometry Pan Jiayin University of California, Santa Cruz 2023.6.9
Spectral rigidity of complex projective spaces Liu Kefeng UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology 2023.6.8
Logarithmic vanishing theorems on compact Kahler manifolds Liu Kefeng UCLA and Chongqing University of Technology 2023.6.7
Conductivity Imaging using Deep Neural Networks Jin Bangti The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2023.6.2
Hidden algebraic structures in geometry from quantum field theory Pei Du University of Southern Denmark 2023.5.26
On the Geometry of Landau-Ginzburg Model Fan Huijun Peking University 2023.5.19
Spaces of norms and Geometric Invariant Theory Sebastien Boucksom CNRS 2023.5.12
Geometry of moduli spaces of quadratic differentials and applications Martin Moller Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt 2023.4.28
KLEINIAN GROUPS IN SEVERAL COMPLEX VARIABLES Jose Antonio Seade Kuri National University of Mexico 2023.4.14
Homological conjectures and singularities in mixed characteristic Ma Linquan Purdue University 2023.4.7
Reflections on the Hodge Conjecture from an Arithmetic Geometer James D. Lewis University of Alberta 2023.3.31
Machine intelligence and network science for complex systems big data analysis Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci Tsinghua University 2023.3.24
Canonical tuples of matrices Daniel Litt University of Toronto 2023.3.17
Settling the Efficiency of the First-Price Auction Lu Pinyan Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 2023.3.16
Some random recursive systems in probability theory Shi Zhan Chinese Academy of Sciences 2023.3.10
On Grothendieck's Algebraicity Conjecture and random matrices Maxim KONTSEVICH Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques 2023.3.6
Lagrangian correspondence and its application to Floer theory Kenji Fukaya Stony Brook University 2023.2.24
Microbiome Data Science - Phylogenetic Tree, Bacterial Growth Rate and Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Li Hongzhe University of Pennsylvania 2023.1.30
Renormalization and Rigidity in Dynamical Systems Konstantin Khanin University of Toronto 2022.12.28
Exploring isoperiodic foliations Guillaume Tahar BIMSA 2022.12.21
Link homology and foams Mikhail Khovanov Columbia University 2022.12.16
Quantitative equidistribution of linear random walk on the torus He Weikun Chinese Academy of Sciences 2022.12.14
Holomorphic Floer Theory and exponential integrals Yan Soibelman Kansas State University 2022.12.9
Towards a zero-one law for improvements to Dirichlet's approximation theorem Yu Shucheng University of Science and Technology of China 2022.11.30
Homeomorphisms of Euclidean space Oscar Randal-Williams University of Cambridge 2022.11.25
Shrinking Target Problem for Matrix Transformations of Tori Liao Lingmin Wuhan University 2022.11.23
From condensed matter theory to sub-wavelength physics Habib Ammari ETH Zurich 2022.11.18
Asymptotics and limit theorems for horocycle ergodic integrals a la Ratner Davide Ravotti University of Vienna 2022.11.16
Dowling-Wilson conjecture and equivariant compactification of the vector group Botong Wang University of Wisconsin-Madison 2022.11.11
Representation theory and a little bit of quantum field theory Ben Webster University of Waterloo 2022.11.11
Constructing algebraic solutions of Painleve VI equation from p-adic Hodge theory and Langlands correspondence Zuo Kang Wuhan University 2022.11.4
Some ergodic optimization problems for expanding circle maps Gao Rui Qufu Normal University 2022.11.2
Mathematical imaging--From geometric PDEs and variational modelling to deep learning for images Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb University of Cambridge 2022.10.28
Dynamics of Fermi-Ulam acceleration models Jing Zhou Penn State University 2022.10.26
Modularity of arithmetic theta series Zhang Zhiyu MIT 2022.10.21
Non-abelian Hodge theory and higher Teichmuller spaces Oscar Garcia-Prada Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas 2022.10.18
Perverse sheaves on affine flag varieties and coherent sheaves on the dual Steinberg variety Simon Riche Universite Clermont Auvergne 2022.10.14
Measure rigidity for a class of skew product systems Changguang Dong Nankai University 2022.10.12
Localization Schemes:A Framework for proving mixing bounds in Markov chains Ronen Eldan Weizmann Institute of Science 2022.10.7
Data-driven optimization --- Integrating data sampling, learning, and optimization Wei Chen Microsoft Research Asia 2022.9.30
Pointwise convergence of multiple ergodic averages Song Shao University of Science and Technology of China 2022.9.28
Distinct distances on hyperbolic surfaces Xianchang Meng Shandong University 2022.9.21
Superconvergence of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Zhang Zhimin Wayne State University 2022.9.16
Energetic Variational Approaches in Active Materials and Reactive Fluids Chun Liu Illinois Institute of Technology 2022.6.9
The geometry of k-Ricci curvature and a Monge-Ampere equation Ni Lei UCSD 2022.6.2
Symmetry and uniqueness via a variational approach Yao Yao National University of Singapore 2022.5.27
Sparsity-The Beauty of Less is More Raymond Hon-fu Chan City University of Hong Kong 2022.5.13
Rainbow structures, Latin squares & graph decompositions Benny Sudakov ETH Zurich 2022.5.6
Geometries of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties Sian Nie AMSS 2022.4.29
Kahler-Einstein metrics and K-stability of Fano varieties Ziquan Zhuang MIT 2022.4.22
Geometric Bogomolov conjecture in arbitrary characteristics Junyi Xie BICMR, Peking university 2022.4.15
Plateau's problem Camillo De Lellis Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2021.12.1-12.17
Classical and geometric Langlands over function fields Dennis Gaitsgory Harvard University 2021.12.2-12.12
Universes as Big data: from Geometry, to Physics, to Machine-Learning Yang-Hui He University of London 2021.11.20
Well-posedness of mean curvature flow through cylindrical singularities Kyeongsu Choi Korea Institute for Advanced Study. 2021.10.18
Heat kernels on ultra-metric spaces Alexander Grigor'yan Bielefeld University 2021.10.9
Solving equations with Hodge theory Liu Kefeng University of California, Los Angele 2021.5.28
Differential Geometry Seminar Jingrui Cheng 2021.5.28
The mathematics of interacting particles Sebastien Boucksom CNRS 2021.5.18
Stability of Kerr black holes with small angular momentum Sergiu Klainerman Princeton University 2021.5.11
Quantum computing and quantum machine learning Duan Luming Tsinghua University 2021.5.7
Real bordism, Real orientations, and Lubin--Tate spectra Xiaolin Shi University of Chicago 2021.4.23
Special points on random walk and Brownian motion Xinyi Li Peking University 2021.4.16
New Piece of Mathematics Motived by Biology and its Implications Ping Ao Shanhai University 2021.4.19
Hilbert's 13th problem and geometry Benson Farb University of Chicago 2021.3.19
Bernstein and Liouville-type theorems in the study of singularities Leon Simon Stanford University 2021.3.12
Learning with Topological Information - Image Analysis and Label Noise Chen Chao Stony Brook University 2021.3.5
On Ahlfors currents Xie Songyan Chinese Academy of Sciences 2021.2.26
Fourier Transform and Finite Analogues George Lusztig MIT 2021.2.25
Toric Geometry, Convolutional Neural Networks and Topological Data Analysis Rak-Kyeong Seong AI Advanced Research Lab at Samsung SDS in Seoul 2020.12.4
Computational complexity of matrix multiplication Ye Ke Chinese Academy of Sciences 2020.11.6
The Ricci flow and its applications Zhu Xiping Sun Yat-sen University 2020.10.16
Lectures on algebraic geometry Caucher Birkar Tsinghua University 2020.9.4-10.9
Topics in Analysis of Many Particle Systems Wang Zhenfu University of Pennsylvania 2020.8.1-8.3
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