2 paper(s) uploaded by ronggang.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

Hausdorff dimension of weighted singular vectors in R^2

Lingmin Liao Universite Paris-Est Creteil Ronggang Shi Fudan University Omri N. Solan Tel Aviv University Nattalie Tamam Tel Aviv University

Dynamical Systems mathscidoc:2203.11001

Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 22, (3), 833-875, 2020.5
[ Download ] [ 2022-03-06 18:52:41 uploaded by ronggang ] [ 909 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-03-06 18:52:41 2022-03-06 18:58:14

Hausdorff dimension of divergent trajectories on homogeneous space

Lifan Guan University of York Ronggang Shi Fudan University

Dynamical Systems mathscidoc:2203.11002

Compositio Mathematica, 156, (2), 340-359, 2020.4
[ Download ] [ 2022-03-06 18:57:00 uploaded by ronggang ] [ 678 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-03-06 18:57:00 -
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