6 paper(s) uploaded by PenghuiLi.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

A colimit of traces of reflection groups

Penghui Li Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Group Theory and Lie Theory mathscidoc:2205.17003

Proceedings of the AMS, 147, 2019.6
[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 14:37:24 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 1160 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 14:37:24 2022-05-18 21:01:43

Uniformization of semistable bundles on elliptic curves

Penghui Li YMSC, Tsinghua University David Nadler University of California, Berkeley

Representation Theory mathscidoc:2205.30001

Advances in Mathematics, 380, 107572, 2021.3
[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 15:00:20 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 776 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 15:00:20 2022-05-18 20:58:29

Eisenstein series via factorization homology of Hecke categories

Quoc P. Ho Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Penghui Li YMSC, Tsinghua University

Representation Theory mathscidoc:2205.30002

Advances in Mathematics, 404, 108410, 2022.8
[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 15:16:55 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 641 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 15:16:55 2022-05-18 20:56:22

Derived category of character sheaves

Penghui Li Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Representation Theory mathscidoc:2205.30003

[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 21:07:21 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 484 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 21:07:21 -

The Jordan--Chevalley decomposition for G-bundles on elliptic curves

Dragos Fratila IRMA 7 rue René Descartes, Strasbourg, France Sam Gunningham Department of Mathematics, King’s College London, London, UK Penghui Li YMSC, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Algebraic Geometry mathscidoc:2205.45011

[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 21:14:16 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 2976 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 21:14:16 -

Revisiting mixed geometry

Quoc P. Ho Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Penghui Li YMSC, Tsinghua University

Algebraic Geometry mathscidoc:2205.45012

[ Download ] [ 2022-05-18 21:20:24 uploaded by PenghuiLi ] [ 1418 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2022-05-18 21:20:24 -
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