Analysis of PDEs

[436] Corrector theory for elliptic equations in random media with singular Green’s function. application to random boundaries

Guillaume Bal Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University Wenjia Jing Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University

Analysis of PDEs Probability mathscidoc:2206.03002

Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 9, (2), 383-411, 2010.12
[ Download ] [ 2022-06-22 15:24:45 uploaded by jingwj ] [ 540 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[437] The rate of asymptotic convergence of strong detonations for a model problem

Lung-an Ying Tong Yang Changjiang Zhu

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1912.43996

Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics, 16, (3), 467, 1999.10
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-24 21:11:25 uploaded by Tong_Yang ] [ 537 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[438] Oscillations induced by numerical viscosities

Shi Jin University of Wisconsin–Madison Jian-Guo Liu Temple University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1702.03073

Mat Contemp, 10, 169-180, 1996.1
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-09 13:50:54 uploaded by jianguo ] [ 536 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[439] Scaling limits of waves in convex scalar conservation laws under random initial perturbations

Jan Wehr Jack Xin

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1912.43913

Journal of statistical physics, 122, (2), 361-370, 2006.1
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-24 21:06:14 uploaded by Jack_Xin ] [ 536 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[440] Vanishing viscosity limit of the compressible NavierStokes equations for solutions to a Riemann problem

Feimin Huang Yi Wang Tong Yang

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1912.43755

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 203, (2), 379-413, 2012.2
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-24 20:55:37 uploaded by Yi_Wang ] [ 535 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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